What is addiction? (Part 1)


And you

So what?

It can be a scary thing, addiction that is. Addiction can ruin your life, break families apart, get you fired from your job and taint your future. It can make you feel like the whole world is against you when you live or deal with an addiction. Knowing what addiction is allows you to know whether you’re addicted to something that is harmful or detrimental to your life and those around you and when to seek help.

Self control

You lose yourself. There is a lack of self control that comes one pill, one drink, one coin, one swipe, one click or one bite. It happens slowly and inevitably. How else do you explain the caring parent who takes their children to school while under the influence of alcohol or drugs, the high school student who gives up their passion for sports, education or music or the model employee who starts to underperform and underdeliver? Addiction hijacks and rewires the circuits in our brain to a point where we eventually lose ourselves and self control.


We have all heard of stories of high functioning alcoholics. They have the ability to fulfil their roles and responsibilities but are addicted to alcohol. People may not notice that they are alcoholics as they are very effectively and efficiently hiding their addiction. Whilst their behaviour is eventually uncovered, hiding an addiction is a common tactic that is utilised by those with addictions. Are you drinking alone? Are you isolating yourself and avoiding social interactions? Are you using work as an excuse for coming home late, being tired and missing events caused by your addiction?

What now?

  • Do you have an addiction? Are you sure?
  • Take a close look at your life and make sure you don’t have any signs above.
  • If you are not displaying neither, stay tuned for next week’s post for the third sign.

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