How to improve your physical health

How to get your physical health into tip-top shape

Get into the best shape you can be in

So what?

A few posts ago, we discussed what it means to be in a tip-top shape when it comes to your physical health. You can read about it here. You can also read our previous post about the role physical health plays in your life and its importance.

In this post, we will take a moment to give you practical things that you can do to improve your physhical health.

Things to try

  • Keep hydrated throughout the day with water
  • Regularly go for walks and incorporate them into your day
  • Get the amount of sleep your body needs
  • Commit to and eat a healthy diet
  • Make your diet a lifestyle and not a phase
  • Incorporate various activities into your life
  • Perform extraneous exercises three times a week
  • Practice meditation or relaxation three times a week
  • Allow yourself one cheat meal a week
  • Take routine blood tests through your GP

My experience

Whilst I exercise and go for walks regularly and frequently, I still try to be as active as I can through various means. I use a standing desk, park further than closer, walk at a brisk pace, ride bikes to shops with our kids etc. I turn everyday activities that typically involves a mode of transportation to an activity based one. This allows me to stay fit despite my sugar addiction and bouts of laziness that strikes out of nowhere.

What now?

  • Are you struggling to get active?
  • Have a think about your typical day. Are there things that you can substitute to get you up and active?

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