How to improve your spiritual health

How to get your spiritual health into tip-top shape

Get into the best shape you can be in

So what?

A few posts ago, we discussed what it means to be in a tip-top shape when it comes to your physical health. You can read about it here. You can also read our previous post about the role physical health plays in your life and its importance.

In this post, we will take a moment to give you practical things that you can do to improve your spiritual health.

Things to try

  • Mentally stimulate yourself with challenging activities
  • Connect with your community and/or coach
  • Incorporate spiritual habits
  • Practice gratitude and be grateful
  • Be reliable with yourself and those around you
  • Regularly introspect your life and explore yourself
  • Volunteer and give back
  • Spend time with your loved ones
  • Take up a hobby
  • Keep a journal
  • Be kind

My experience

I was a very devoted Christian growing up. Whilst l was regular churchgoer and volunteered my time at the various churches I attended throughout my teenage years and in my 20s, I haven’t been part of a church in recent years. Even though I was devoted, I never paid attention to my spiritual health. It wasn’t until my mental health and physical health tanked that I realised how fragile and poor my spiritual health was and had been. What I realised is that spiritual health is the most difficult and sensitive to gauge and manage as it is the least tangible part of you.

What now?

  • Do you feel disconnected from the world and people in your lives?
  • Are you having trouble distinguishing right from wrong and/or making decisions?
  • Connect back to your sense of purpose and belonging, feel calmer and more mindful and be hopeful and grateful by improving your spiritual health.

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