Quitting (Part 3)


And knowing when to do it

So what?

ICYMI There comes a time in every journey when the realisation dawns on us: perhaps it’s time to quit. We often get entangled in numerous projects and endeavours in which they promise a sense of accomplishment and fulfilment. We’re a society of goals and ambitions. This may sound counterintuitive but knowing when to let go of a project or endeavour is a powerful skill. It frees us from unnecessary burdens and makes room for new opportunities. Knowing when to quit can be a stepping stone towards growth and a strategic way to move forward. In this series of blog posts, we will discuss signs that you should look out for to know when to quit.


Intuition is your inner compass in our bustling landscape of goals and endeavours. It’s the silent guide that often speaks volumes to nudge you in the right direction. I urge you to pay attention when something feels off. Trusting your gut is a powerful road sign especially when it comes to knowing when to quit. It’s time to pay attention when your inner voice signals a misalignment with your goals, endeavours and aspirations. Don’t think that embracing your intuition is not a leap of faith. It’s a calculated step towards a more authentic and fulfilling journey. Let is serve as a reliable guide that helps you discern when persistence is key.

Energy management

Energy management is the art of recognising and optimising the fuel that propels your goals and endeavours. Your energy is a finite resource. You need to use this resource wisely by paying attention to where it is invested and whether it aligns with your goals and endeavours. If what you’re working on is draining your energy and not yielding proportional returns, you should consider quitting. The worst thing that you can do to yourself is burning out and stagnating.

What now?

  • Come back next week to find about changes in circumstances and how to use it to know when to quit.

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