
Asking yourself why

Why? Why? Why?

‌Asking yourself “why” to improve your life

So what?

Asking the question “why” and always questioning everything is not and should not be only for toddlers and juveniles. They aren’t afraid to do so. You, as an adult, shouldn’t be either. Asking “why” has the following benefits:

  • Eliminates assumptions and confusions;
  • Gives you purpose on your pursuits;
  • Identifies your real needs, wants and likes;
  • Leads you to a healthier and happier life.
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Discipline: How to

How to live a disciplined life

Self-discipline: How do you do it?

So what?

Our last post about discipline, we discussed why you need to be disciplined if you want to make improvements in your life. ICYMI, discipline is a way that you live your life. It is systemic and makes you stay on track.… Read More

2022: Year of the Move

Make the year 2022 one that you move

Earn, learn and burn

So what?

Make 2022 the year that you move (your body) regardless of whether or not you have a new year resolution, or whatever your new year resolution is. Moving is something that you can incorporate no matter what your circumstances are.… Read More


Living a disciplined life

Self-discipline: What is it?

So what?

Discipline is a way that you live your life. It is systemic and makes you stay on track. The following are a number of benefits that you will enjoy when you’re disciplined:

  • You are respected by those around you;
  • You have self control;
  • You teach and develop others;
  • You are organised and on time;
  • You reach your life goals; and
  • You are physically and mentally healthy.
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Are you free? Do you have freedom in your life?

Freedom: Free to think, express, spend and decide

So what?

Per Wikipedia, freedom is defined as “either having the ability to act or change without constraint or to possess the power and resources to fulfil one’s purposes”. With freedom, you will:

  • Have less of meaningless relationships that don’t add value to your life;
  • Be able to prioritise your daily demands;
  • Have stronger core values and beliefs; and
  • Inspire yourself and others to make a better world.
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Living intentionally

Change your life by living intentionally

Find your own “true north”

So what?

Imagine yourself waking up every morning, not groggy or tired, with purpose and energy. Living intentionally not only allows that but the following as well:

  • Not be bombarded with shoulds, coulds and woulds;
  • Have a strong foundation for good decision making;
  • Bring more awareness and presence into your life;
  • Better alignment with your core values; and
  • Have healthier and more meaningful relationships.
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Space to think

Do you escape from your daily demands?

Why you need to make yourself unavailable

So what?

How are you feeling right now? At this moment. Are you stressed or anxious? Or are you relaxed and calm? It’s easy to let things slip and get caught up with your daily demands which ends up with you stressing and being anxious.… Read More

How to fall asleep

Are you having trouble falling asleep?

So what?

Falling asleep is challenging in our busy world. We live in a world where we are constantly bombarded with things that cause us anxiety, worries and pressures. These things build up throughout your day and make it difficult to fall asleep at night.… Read More

Growing a business alone

Are you looking to start a new business alone? Or do you currently have a business as a solopreneur?

Read on to find out how to grow a successful business alone

So what?

Starting a business has its benefits and advantages which are:

  • Being your own boss;
  • Maintaining sustainable growth;
  • Achieving goals and dreams; and
  • Changing your current circumstances.
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How to stop being angry

Argh! Read this post now!

Anger management, simplified

So what?

Do you ever get angry? Are you easily angered and triggered? Do you know what triggers you? Managing and controlling your anger will allow you to:

  • Empathise with your loved ones and those around you;
  • Have new insights in life;
  • Broadened perspectives;
  • Reduce stress; and
  • Not rely on addictive and harmful escapes.
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