
Importance of breathing

Importance of breathing

Stressed? Breathing: The simplest way to start dealing with stress

So what?

If you are stressed and/or anxious, take a moment to breathe. You will:

  • Be present;
  • Stop feeling like being chased;
  • Not feel helpless; and
  • Be able to do something about it.

What is stress?

Stress is defined as “the feeling of being overwhelmed or unable to cope with mental or emotional pressure”.… Read More

Binge eating

Are you binge eating?

So what?

Understanding and managing your binge eating, you will:

  • Feel less guilt about bingeing; and
  • Take the first step to your goal (i.e. management or cessation).


This blog post is about managing binge eating and not about cessation. I also would like to point out that I’m not a health expert.… Read More

Wealth and being rich

Are you wealthy and rich?

You might already be wealthy and rich and not even know it!

So what?

Being wealthy and rich allows you to:

  • Spend time and money on things that matter;
  • Set and achieve more meaningful goals; and
  • Focus on what’s important.

What is wealth?

Wealth is defined as “an abundance of valuable possessions or money”.… Read More

Why you need to keep things simple

Why you need to keep things simple

KISS: Keep It Stupid Simple

So what?

Living a simplified life has its benefits and drawbacks. With simplicity comes:

  • More joy;
  • More control;
  • More clarify; and
  • More meaning.


This post is different from our previous posts. You won’t find how to simplify your life.… Read More

Dream job

What is your dream job?

Do you love your job? If not, why not?

So what?

When you have a dream job, you will:

  • Get out of bed with purpose;
  • Be proud of what you do;
  • Change you and your clients’ lives; and
  • Enjoy life.

What is a dream job?

A dream job is a job that combines your passion and skills you have to earn a living.… Read More

Intermittent fasting for women

Oh no! Not another post about fasting

Yes, this is a post about fasting but for women

So what?

Intermittent fasting (IF) has a ton of evidence-based health benefits which many articles focus on. This article is not going to discuss the health benefits as there are so many contracting information but focuses on simple ways to get started and practical benefits such as:

  • Being able to eat more;
  • Satisfying your cravings;
  • Less cooking time; and
  • Having alternate time to do something else.
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How to grill

How to grill

Grilling is easier than you think

So what?

You can enjoy the outcome of grilling and barbecuing whether you are a vegetarian, vegan or meathead and living in an apartment, a house or a mansion. Benefits of grilling and barbecuing are as follows:

  • Enjoy meals in a different way whatever your living situation is;
  • Healthier way to cook food; and
  • Impress your loved ones.
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Financial literacy

Have your cake and eat it too

Enjoy your life now AND later

So what?

Financial literacy, unfortunately, is not something that we learn in our education. If you are fortunate enough to have financially literate parents, you will learn from them. Otherwise, the burden falls on you. It’s a shame that we are not taught it at school as it is one of the most important hard skill to have in life.… Read More

What have you failed at

You’re a failure

The inevitable outcome of things you do

So what?

Failures are not all bad. To turn failures to good, you need to:

  • Learn from your mistakes;
  • Avoid the spiral of self criticism; and
  • Do better next time.

What is failure?

Failure is the inevitable outcome of things you do.… Read More

Life is hard

Life is…

Hard, unfair and challenging, but also beautiful, wonderful and fulfilling

So what?

Accepting that life is hard and making incremental improvements will allow you to:

  • Live a more fulfilling and satisfying life;
  • Be accepting of your circumstances and what happens in your life; and
  • Propel you to learn and grow.
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