
What’s in your way (Part 2)

Get out of my way!

Said no one ever

(ICYMI from Part 1)

So what?

Figuring out what’s in your way will allow you to:

  • Be honest with yourself and others;
  • Be more productive; and
  • Enjoy your “me” time and time with others.

(Continued from Part 1)

My experience

My wife and I are in the kitchen at the same time four times a week during our morning routines.… Read More

What’s in your way (Part 1)

Get out of my way!

Said no one ever

So what?

Figuring out what’s in your way will allow you to:

  • Be honest with yourself and others;
  • Be more productive; and
  • Enjoy your “me” time and time with others.

Have you ever told someone “Get out of my way!”

I’m not talking about when someone cuts you off while sitting in traffic by yourself.… Read More

Expectations and marriage

What to and not to expect from your married life

So what?

The benefits of setting realistic expectations whether you are a parent or looking to get married include:

  • Less fighting and bickering;
  • More and/or better intimacy;
  • More time for yourself; and
  • Escape from daily grind.

Recap of expectation and what it does

As I mentioned in our post about expectations, “expectations are what you believe will happen or to be.… Read More

What is happiness

Are you happy?

Spoiler Alert: No one knows what makes us happy

So what?

Once you know what makes you unhappy, you will be on your way to:

  • Being happier (obviously);
  • Prioritising better;
  • Having more energy;
  • Having more “me” time; and
  • Enjoying life.

What makes us happy?

Did you notice I said “unhappy” not “happy” above?… Read More

Do you have what it takes

You can’t do it all, neither can I.

So what?

I’m going to be blunt with you. You can’t do it all. You will fail. Accept it! And when you do, you will:

  • Save yourself from frustrations;
  • Know your limitations; and
  • get help before it’s too late.

Dangers of not knowing your limitations

The biggest reason why you need to know your limitations is stress.… Read More

Expectations and parenting

What to and not to expect from your parenting life

So what?

The benefits of setting realistic expectations whether you are currently a parent or looking to have kids include:

  • Less yelling at the kids and feeling guilty;
  • Getting them to listen;
  • More mental capacity and physical energy; and
  • Better relationship with your current or ex partner.
Read More

Little things in life – Part 2

Size does matter

Being small is okay

So what?

Same as Part 1 from last post, you will:

  • Find yourself smiling at yourself and around others;
  • Get more from your relationships;
  • Give and get help when you or they need it; and
  • Find an escape from the dredge of your daily grind.
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Little things in life – Part 1

Size does matter

Or does it?

So what?

Once you start accepting little things in life, you will:

  • Find yourself smiling at yourself and around others;
  • Get more from your relationships;
  • Give and get help when you or they need it; and
  • Find an escape from the dredge of your daily grind.
Read More

Be careful what you say

Hold that thought!

Think once before you act, twice before you speak and thrice before you write

So what?

When you pause before you act, speak and write, you will:

  • Feel better about yourself;
  • Have less regret that drags you down;
  • Inspire others; and
  • Be heard.

You know why it’s important

There are endless amount of books and quotes about listening more and speaking less.… Read More

Know yourself first

Do this before you start anything

The critical step in starting anything is to know yourself first

So what?

You need to know yourself and how best you work if you want to:

  • Be productive;
  • Get results;
  • Know when and where to get help; and
  • Learn from failures.

Why do you need to know yourself?

Read More

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