

The deadly trap of expectations

So what?

When you set realistic expectations (if at all), you will:

  • Be happier;
  • Be less stressed;
  • Enjoy your down time; and
  • Enjoy the time you spend with your loved ones.

What do expectations do to you?

We all have expectations. From the moment you wake up to falling asleep and even when you dream while asleep.… Read More

Soft Skills

Are soft skills really necessary?

So what?

You need soft skills. There is no doubt about it. Developing and having soft skills allow you to:

  • Have less bickering and fighting with your spouse or partner;
  • Get people to do what you want;
  • Land and keep a dream job; and
  • Get a pay rise.
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Is this post a distraction or an inspiration?

So what?

Distractions are everywhere. As I write this, there are bustling noises of people’s clothes, clickety clacking of keyboards and mice, resonating of voices and humming of the heater in the background. It’s a constant struggle between trying to focus on writing and being distracted.… Read More

Cost of no “me” time

What is lack of “me” time costing you?

What is “me” time?

“me” time is the time that you dedicate to better yourself and recharge your batteries. This time includes yoga, going to the salon, getting a massage, going for a walk and much more.

Do you have enough “me” time?

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Alpha & Omega

Alpha & Omega: The beginning of simplicity and the end to complexity

As our first blog post, I couldn’t think of anything more fitting to write about our start to a new journey of our attempt at bringing value to the world by writing insightful, reflective and informative articles.

Everything, I mean, everything, has a beginning and an end.… Read More

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Empowering people to become their best and lead a fulfilling life

Our aim for “Simplify” the blog for busy people, is to help you on your life journey together. We are on a life journey just like you. Our services and offerings are based on what we’ve learned and experienced.

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