


And your microbiome

So what?

ICYMI – A couple of posts ago, we briefly talked about your microbiome. Your microbiome is a bustling community of microorganisms that are living inside your body. It’s made up of trillions of bacteria, viruses and fungi that call your gun home. These organisms play a vital role in your general health.… Read More

Milk kefir

Milk kefir

and your microbiome

So what?

ICYMI – In our previous post, we briefly talked about your microbiome. Your microbiome is a bustling community of microorganisms that are living inside your body. It’s made up of trillions of bacteria, viruses and fungi that call your gun home. These organisms play a vital role in your general health.… Read More

Water kefir

Water kefir

And your microbiome

So what?

Your microbiome is a bustling community of microorganisms that are living inside your body. It’s made up of trillions of bacteria, viruses and fungi that call your gun home. These organisms play a vital role in your general health. Think of them as your body’s health squad, influencing everything from immunity to digestion and mental wellbeing.… Read More

Binge eating

Are you binge eating?

So what?

Understanding and managing your binge eating, you will:

  • Feel less guilt about bingeing; and
  • Take the first step to your goal (i.e. management or cessation).


This blog post is about managing binge eating and not about cessation. I also would like to point out that I’m not a health expert.… Read More

Intermittent fasting for women

Oh no! Not another post about fasting

Yes, this is a post about fasting but for women

So what?

Intermittent fasting (IF) has a ton of evidence-based health benefits which many articles focus on. This article is not going to discuss the health benefits as there are so many contracting information but focuses on simple ways to get started and practical benefits such as:

  • Being able to eat more;
  • Satisfying your cravings;
  • Less cooking time; and
  • Having alternate time to do something else.
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How to grill

How to grill

Grilling is easier than you think

So what?

You can enjoy the outcome of grilling and barbecuing whether you are a vegetarian, vegan or meathead and living in an apartment, a house or a mansion. Benefits of grilling and barbecuing are as follows:

  • Enjoy meals in a different way whatever your living situation is;
  • Healthier way to cook food; and
  • Impress your loved ones.
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