
Managing tantrums (Part 3)

How to manage tantrums

Dealing with temper tantrums

So what?

As we discussed in our previous post, Wikipedia defines a tantrum (i.e. temper tantrum, meltdown, fit or hissy fit) as “an emotional outburst, usually associated with those in emotional distress”. This post and next few posts will touch on different ways that you can manage and deal with temper tantrums.… Read More

Managing tantrums (Part 2)

How to manage tantrums

Dealing with temper tantrums

So what?

As we discussed in our previous post, Wikipedia defines a tantrum (i.e. temper tantrum, meltdown, fit or hissy fit) as “an emotional outburst, usually associated with those in emotional distress”. This post and next few posts will touch on different ways that you can manage and deal with temper tantrums.… Read More

Managing tantrums (Part 1)

How to manage tantrums

Dealing with temper tantrums

So what?

As we discussed in our previous post, Wikipedia defines a tantrum (i.e. temper tantrum, meltdown, fit or hissy fit) as “an emotional outburst, usually associated with those in emotional distress”. This post and next few posts will touch on different ways that you can manage and deal with temper tantrums.… Read More


What tantrums are

And why they happen

So what?

We all despise when children throw tantrums but what we fail to realise when we are in the midst of dealing with one is that they are good for them (to a degree). They become a problem if they’re excessive, violent or if the perpetrator is an adult.… Read More

Be careful what you say

Hold that thought!

Think once before you act, twice before you speak and thrice before you write

So what?

When you pause before you act, speak and write, you will:

  • Feel better about yourself;
  • Have less regret that drags you down;
  • Inspire others; and
  • Be heard.

You know why it’s important

There are endless amount of books and quotes about listening more and speaking less.… Read More

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