
Prenuptial agreement

Should you get one?

The elephant in the room

So what?

There are sensitivities around prenuptial agreements, also known as prenups. This is especially true for the receiving end of being asked to sign a prenup. Being asked to sign one can make you think that the requester considers the end of your relationship (i.e.… Read More

Expectations and marriage

What to and not to expect from your married life

So what?

The benefits of setting realistic expectations whether you are a parent or looking to get married include:

  • Less fighting and bickering;
  • More and/or better intimacy;
  • More time for yourself; and
  • Escape from daily grind.

Recap of expectation and what it does

As I mentioned in our post about expectations, “expectations are what you believe will happen or to be.… Read More

Be careful what you say

Hold that thought!

Think once before you act, twice before you speak and thrice before you write

So what?

When you pause before you act, speak and write, you will:

  • Feel better about yourself;
  • Have less regret that drags you down;
  • Inspire others; and
  • Be heard.

You know why it’s important

There are endless amount of books and quotes about listening more and speaking less.… Read More

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