Cost of no “me” time

What is lack of “me” time costing you?

What is “me” time?

“me” time is the time that you dedicate to better yourself and recharge your batteries. This time includes yoga, going to the salon, getting a massage, going for a walk and much more.

Do you have enough “me” time?

Are you getting enough “me” time in your life to be the best you can be? One thing to be clear is that you having enough “me” time to be the best you can be is not a selfish act. You are at your best to your loved one, partner, parent, child, pet owner, friend, colleague, employee, business owner and many more. What is more selfless than that?

Having said that, let me ask you again. Are you getting enough “me” time?

What is it costing you?

If your answer to the above question is a no, have you considered what the impact of your answer is costing you?

Is it causing resentment with your family, friend or boss? Are you surrounded by mundane and boring tasks and chores? Have you had to forego a hobby that you love doing? Do you lack energy after a long day of work? Are you constantly checking your bank balance to make sure you have enough money for that next direct debit? For us, the lack of “me” time almost cost our marriage and 50% of time with our kids. It took away our livelihood and sanity.

What are you doing about it?

There are many things you can do about the lack of “me” time if you put your mind to it. The answer may be right in front of you. Consider the speed bump or hurdle that you constantly put up with, small or large. Look at what’s around you, close or far. Can it be dealt with by hiring a babysitter for two hours? Can you put in half the effort that you had initially planned and be satisfied? Is it something that you can get your partner to do? A simple action may be all it takes for you to have enough “me” time. Don’t underestimate the compounding effect of small actions or gestures.

What would you be doing if you had more “me” time?

In closing, share with us what you would be doing if you had more “me” time.

As always, we are all ears.

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