Growing a business alone

Are you looking to start a new business alone? Or do you currently have a business as a solopreneur?

Read on to find out how to grow a successful business alone

So what?

Starting a business has its benefits and advantages which are:

  • Being your own boss;
  • Maintaining sustainable growth;
  • Achieving goals and dreams; and
  • Changing your current circumstances.

This post is not about exploring the wonderful things about starting a business but about how to set yourself up to tackle the inevitable challenges and difficulties of doing it alone.

Key characteristics

You need to establish a sound foundation in order to make the most out of your business and achieve your personal and business goals and objectives. The key characteristics of a solid foundation you need are:

  • Having discipline;
  • Ability delegate;
  • A network of supporters and advisers; and
  • Making time for yourself.


Time can be the most valuable asset or your worst enemy when you are a lone wolf in your business. It can run away from you and challenge you in ways that you can’t imagine if you don’t have discipline around time.


Doing everything yourself is a no-no. It will burn you out. You need to delegate tasks and demands that can be outsourced. Easy way to decide on what to delegate is to identify things that you’re not good at or inexperienced with. Delegation doesn’t have to be outsourcing to a person. Tools such as Mail Chimp, Google Docs and Calendar, Xero and Evernote can be time-savers if you use them right.


You’re not going to succeed or know what to do with everything if you go this alone. You need two types of networks, supporters and advisers.

Supporters will provide you with emotional and mental support. They are the shoulders you cry on. They are the ears when you want to vent.

Advisers are the experts that know more than you. You turn to them for mentoring, getting feedback and hold you accountable. Outside perspective is a valuable insight into your business.


Your business will suffer and come to a halt if you are not running the show. Avoid burnouts, unsustainable workload and excessive stress responses by taking care of yourself. Take strolls ini the local park, eat healthy meals and practice medication to be on tiptop shape.

My experience

Whilst we are not technically solopreneurs as my wife and I run YourLifeEA, we act as one person in the business. We keep each other accountable, leverage each other’s strengths and fill our weaknesses. We make sure we are taking care our own wellbeing. One thing that we can improve on is networking. We haven’t been able to establish a network of advisers at this moment.

What now?

  • Take a look at the five characteristics above and identify areas that you need to improve on and are good at.
  • Take simple steps to start doing things that you need to improve on.
  • Leverage the things that you are good at.
  • If you’re really serious on starting a business and after in-depth steps to take, The Ultimate Sales Machine by Chet Holmes is a book that you don’t want to miss.
  • The Millionaire Fastlane by MJ DeMarco is a no non-sense approach to starting a business. Don’t be fooled by the title of the book. We’re not talking get rich quick schemes here.

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