How to declutter your desk

Decluttering your desk

Getting rid of the junk in your trunk

So what?

ICYMI – our previous post outlines the benefits of decluttering. In summary, the benefits are having more money, time and energy.

Minimise distractions

Your desk is where you need to be creative, productive and efficient. Having clutter on your desk by filling it with distractions will steal your attention. Things such as business cards, folders, sticky notes and incomplete tasks and projects create a distracting environment for you to get work done in an efficient manner. Cull and store away office items and only keep photos, supplies and other items that you frequently use. Only those that are essential to your workflow should be on your desk.

Alternate storage

Cheat your way to a decluttered desk by utilising alternate storage methods (i.e. digital filing and drawers). Tangible things such as office supplies and gadgets should be stored away in drawers and documents, sticky notes and business cards should be digitised. Take a look at every single item on your desk to assess how often you use it. If it’s not used on a daily basis, store it away in drawers. If it’s not used on a weekly basis, store it away in your closet. If it’s not used on a monthly basis, put it in your garage. You get the point.

A few minutes a day

Spending a few minutes at the end of the day to clear your desk ensures that you will continue to have a decluttered desk. The time and effort you put in to minimise distractions and store away items will go to waste if you don’t keep your desk decluttered. Things will quickly pile up again and go back to the way it was. Once you get started with spending a few minutes a day, it will become a habit that your mornings will thank you for. There is nothing better than starting your day with a freshly brewed coffee and a clean desk when it comes to your workflow.

My experience

I recently got a standing desk as I was suffering from poor posture from sitting down and slouching. I took the opportunity to declutter and clean my desk. The scattered pieces of papers and sticky notes along with dust that collected in a matter of days always bothered and distracted me but I’m not certain as to why I didn’t do anything about it. I had random gadgets that were also cluttering my workspace.

I took the time to digitise the random papers, receipts and sticky notes and listed spare gadgets on Facebook Marketplace that were floating around. This allowed me to have a better focus with the task at hand and I was able to remove the constant reminder of unfinished projects that were never important to begin with.

What now?

  • Are there things on your desk that are distracting you and dragging you down?
  • Have a look at your desk and be brutally honest with yourself about what you’re using and what you’re hoarding.

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