How to declutter your bedroom

Decluttering your bedroom

Getting rid of the junk in your trunk

So what?

ICYMI – our previous post outlines the benefits of decluttering. In summary, the benefits are having more money, time and energy.

When we think of our bedroom, one of the first things that come to our mind is sleep. It’s where we get our rest for the night and recharge for the day. Whilst mattresses, pillows and beddings are important,what we often overlook is the surrounding areas. A decluttered and organised bedroom is fundamental to creating a calm and inviting space for you to sleep in. Let’s dive into how we can do that.


Unless you’re a teenager going through puberty, nothing belongs on your bed except for pillows and beddings. This means no stuffed animals, worn clothes, dirty laundry, bags, purses and kids’ toys. This includes the surrounding walls (i.e. no posters and printed photos). And whatever is on your bed, which should be just your pillows and beddings, should always be freshly washed. Changing your bed on a regular basis is a great way to keep things that don’t belong on your bed off of your bed and surround yourself every night with fresh linen.


Whether you’ve just moved in, about to move out and whatever is in between, there is absolutely no reason for you to have boxes in your room. Not only boxes take up precious space especially in our typical Australian homes with small bedroom, they look tacky and constantly remind you of how lazy you are for not unpacking them when you moved in how much you have left to do if you are moving out.

Keep out

As we mentioned, a bedroom is meant to be a place of rest (amongst other age appropriate things). This means that there are certain things that you need to keep out of your bedroom. These include the following:

  • Paperwork such as those relate to life admin and work;
  • Electronics such as TV, wine bar and speakers (unless you like to listen to relaxing music);
  • Phones;
  • Dirty and clean laundry; and
  • Clothes which should be in your closet.

My experience

One of us has a hard time keeping our bedroom because of how busy they are whereas the other one is religious about keeping things tidy. I won’t reveal who is who, we make sure to help each other keep our bedroom tidy. Yes, the last thing you want to do when you get home from work is hang your clothes and put away the dirty laundry. But we find that there is nothing better than walking into a clean bedroom to put you in a relaxing and calm state of mind to sleep and get a good night’s rest.

What now?

  • Do you have a cluttered bedroom? Is it your laziness? How small your bedroom is?
  • Whatever the reason, there is always a way to declutter your room.

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