Benefits of doing nothing

Are there benefits of doing nothing?

The struggle to do nothing is real

So what?

For many of us, doing nothing is one of the most challenging aspects of the busy lives we all live. It’s a struggle to let yourself relax at the end of a long day of work. The busier we get, the harder it seems to let your mind wander off and relax. In this post, we’re going to explore the benefits of doing nothing so you can start to turn your mindset onto bringing it into your life. We will further explore the topic by discussing how to do nothing in our next post.


When we do nothing, we are turning off all notifications and distractions that bombard not only our conscious mind but our subconsciousness as well. When we allow space for our subconscious mind, we allow it to expand which increases our creativity and critical thinking. Rather than our minds jumping to an obvious solution to a problem, we think of breakthroughs and more inventive answers to ourselves and our questions we ponder.

Something wrong

We ignore our emotions and feelings including those that are physical when we are running around busying ourselves. It becomes easy to ignore our emotions by missing out on what our inner voice and body are telling us. Quietening our surroundings and our minds make us turn our attention to ourselves so we can hear what our voice and body are telling us. We can use this information (and time) to fix and improve ourselves when we get going again.

My experience

I’m sure that there are more benefits of doing nothing but the two I’ve discussed are those that I have experience with. Ever since my uni days, I was always running around keeping myself busy with endless tasks and projects. I graduated from my 5-year degree in 4 years, attended multiple universities, worked at 3 different places and the list goes on. It wasn’t until I was in my 30s that I took time to slow down and do nothing. It’s when I realised that I was mentally and physically drained and that I was forcing myself into accelerated ageing.

What now?

  • Do you find yourself constantly running around and feeling uncomfortable when you don’t have something to do?
  • Come back next week so you can read on about how to be okay with doing nothing.

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