Overnight success, debunking the myth

Is there such a thing?

I think not

So what?

Many of us, if not most, want to be successful at some point in their lives. Whether it’s inner, family, career or financial success, there is much confusion, frustration and uncertainties whenever we embark on a journey to success. Figuring out who you are, what you want and how you will achieve your success shapes the steps you will take and how you will pursuit your success. One common obstacle to this journey is the wanting (conscious or unconscious) for overnight success. Such wish makes you capricious and impatient on pursuing your success. You need to debunk this myth to succeed.

Small steps

Everything in life requires steps to get them done. Let’s take footsteps for example. Say you need to leave the house and go to the shops. You guessed it, you need to walk out that door first. Say you want to make coffee. You guessed it, you need to grab the coffee from the pantry, make hot water and take the rest of your steps to make coffee. What do all steps have in common? Time. Steps require time (and effort) to get them done. Success is not an exception. All successes, at least those that are worth achieving, require steps (i.e. time and/or effort).


Are you longing to sell your business (or side hustle) to a Silicon Valley giant for $10million? Whatever your business is, it has to be worth something. How would you go about building value in your business? Go to sleep and wake up expecting success overnight? I think not. Sleeping whilst hoping that the windfall will come knocking at your door won’t get you anywhere. You need to get up and work at it by, you guessed it, taking steps. The phone call or getting below 100kg will come overnight, but the success will never come as such.

My experience

Growing up in an immigrant family, I’ve always been a believer that success takes hard work and perseverance. The level in which many immigrant parents teach their offsprings can be argued as being excessive, the belief of hard work and perseverance has been critical in having the right mindset on pursuing and achieving my success. Not once I expected or thought that overnight success was even a remote possibility.

What now?

  • Are you procrastinating things because of your belief in overnight success?
  • Have you been successful in achieving success with that mindset? Share with us how it’s been for you. I would genuinely be interested in what your experience has been.

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