Morning Routine

Examples of morning routine

To set yourself up right for the day ahead

So what?

ICYMI – Are you a morning or night person? Our family of four was talking about who in our family was one or the other which got me thinking about this topic. A morning person will have an easier time crafting a morning routine whereas a night person will have an easier time with a night routine. In our last post, I was being selfish (since I’m a morning person) and talked about how to craft a morning routine to set yourself up for the day. In this post, I will provide you with examples of things you can incorporate into your morning routine.

So, let’s cover the basics. A morning routine is a process in which you person the same tasks in the same sequence every morning. Having one allows you to:

  • Be prepared for the rest of the day;
  • Increase productivity;
  • Have less worries and stress;
  • Improve your energy levels;
  • Have healthy habits; and
  • So much more!

Examples to incorporate in your morning routine

  • Wake up early: Setting your alarm for a consistent time each morning will allow you to establish a regular sleep schedule
  • Exercise (or even stretch): You will boost your blood circulation and energise your body when you engage in brief workout or light stretching
  • Meditate or practice mindfulness: Quiet contemplation in the morning will reduce stress and improve focus
  • Day planning: Set clear intentions by taking a moment to review your tasks, priorities and schedule for the day
  • Inspiring content: Stimulate your mind and motivate yourself by engaging with uplifting books, podcasts or audiobooks
  • Goal setting: Get a sense of direction by writing down SMART goals for the day, week and month

My experience

I struggled with feeling groggy and unproductive in the mornings, so I decided to make a change. I started by waking up early, setting my alarm for the same time each day. This allowed me to establish a consistent sleep schedule and gave me a head start on the day.

To boost my energy levels and reduce stress, I incorporated exercise into my morning routine. I started with light stretching followed by a quick workout. Even just 15 minutes of movement made a remarkable difference in how I felt throughout the day. It boosted my mood, increased my focus, and helped me kickstart my metabolism.

As time went on, these two habits became second nature. I found myself waking up naturally before my alarm, feeling refreshed and ready to take on the day. My body craved the exercise, and I noticed a significant improvement in my energy levels and overall productivity.

Establishing a morning routine with these activities not only improved my physical well-being but also had a positive impact on my mental and emotional state. I felt more organized, less stressed, and better prepared to tackle the challenges that came my way.

Through consistency and dedication, I transformed my mornings into a time of self-care, productivity, and personal growth. It’s amazing how these two simple changes can make such a significant difference in my daily life.

What now?

  • Start your day right! Take the first step towards a productive and fulfilling life by establishing a morning routine. Incorporate activities like exercise and mindful reflection to set the tone for success. Your future self will thank you!
  • Don’t underestimate the power of a well-crafted morning routine. Boost your energy, reduce stress, and increase productivity by waking up early, exercising, and engaging in self-care. Take control of your mornings and set yourself up for a successful day. Start now!

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