Dream job

Do you think you have a dream job? Think twice

Telltale signs of a nightmare job

So what?

We previously wrote about living a rich life. This concept applies to your job as well. A rich life is subjective and different to individuals. At the end of the day, it is one that allows you to live a life that is meaningful, abundant and fulfilling. You feel happy, satisfied and content with such life. This applies to your job as well. A job that you can call a “dream job”.

In this post, we will discuss what a dream job is not so we can begin by whether you would be wasting your time reading the next couple of posts as we explore this topic further. For the purpose of this post, we will consider a job a nightmare job that is not a dream job.

Telltale signs of a nightmare job

Unless you’re a one in a million, most of us have had a job that we didn’t enjoy at some point. A nightmare job is one that leaves you drained, demotivated, stressed and unsatisfied. It can impact your mental and physical health, make work life balance difficult and be detrimental to your overall quality of life. There are telltale signs that indicate a job is not a dream job and a good fit for you. Below are some of the common read flags that you should look out for:

  • Do you feel a sense of dread on Monday mornings as you anticipate going to work?
  • Do you believe that you’re not being fairly compensated for your work?
  • Would you like to have more vacation days than your current job provides?
  • Have you held the same job title or received the same salary for more than three years?
  • Are you interested in working remotely but your current job doesn’t allow for it?
  • Do you dislike your team, boss, or the company you work for?
  • Have you received a raise but are still experiencing financial stress?
  • Do you feel trapped or stagnant in your current career?
  • Do you feel like your ideas and opinions are frequently overlooked or disregarded at work?


  • Yes to 2 or less signs: A good sign that you’ve got a dream job.
  • Yes to 3 to 4 signs: Your job is decent but has room for improvement.
  • Yes to 5 to 6 signs: Nightmarish – you should consider looking for a new job.
  • Yes to more than 6 signs: Your job is definitely a nightmare job.

My experience

When I was in uni, I had a job that I dreaded going to every time my shift came around. There was a feeling of anxiety and apprehension about going to work. I wasn’t necessarily underpaid but felt stuck in my role, with no opportunities for growth or promotion. Since I knew that it was only a temporary job whilst I put myself through uni, I put up with it and used it to make ends meet. This experience taught me the importance of a job and career that alights with my goals, values and interests and not settle for a less than a good job.

What now?

  • Are you feeling stuck, stressed or undervalued? Take a step back and consider whether you should look for another job.
  • Remember, life is too short to be miserable at work. Don’t settle for a job that you’re not satisfied with.
  • Come back next week to read about finding your dream job.

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