How to find your dream job (Part 1)

Finding your dream job

Not as hard as you think

So what?

In our previous post, we discussed what a dream job is and is not. In the next few post, we’re going to discuss, step by step, how to find your dream job. Make sure you follow along so you can find one and make the most out of your working life.

Why are we writing about this and why you should read it? Because finding your dream job doesn’t have to be hard.

Skills and passions

Unless you are willing to study and be trained, you will need to have the skills to take on your dream job. On the other hand, passion will come naturally. Ways that you can identify your skills include making a list of tasks or activities that you are good at, finding out your strengths and weaknesses, asking family, friends or colleagues and taking online quizzes or assessments. Passions can be identified by reflecting on the things that bring you fulfilment, identifying the activities and hobbies that you enjoy doing in your free time and asking yourself what you would do if you had unlimited time and resources. Identifying your skills and passions will allow you to gain insight into the dream job you are seeking that will be a good fit for you.


To know what job options are out there, you need to research the market. Use online job search engines like Seek and LinkedIn to search for job postings and find out about the jobs that you are interested in. Digging further by checking the websites of companies and organisations that interest you as well as watching YouTube videos about them will give you good insights. Don’t forget about career or job fairs. They are not just for uni students and it’s a great opportunity to talk to recruiters and other representatives from the companies and organisations that you want to work for. One thing that often gets overlooked is talking to people who have jobs that you are interested in. Doing so will give you real life feedback on what it’s like to have the roles and responsibilities of your potential dream job.

What now?

  • Set aside time to reflect on and identify your skills, interests and passion.
  • Make a list of your strengths and the activities you enjoy doing.
  • Spend some time on Seek and LinkedIn to do the legwork on researching job options.
  • Once you have a good idea of what your dream job could be, talk to people who work in the industry or field to gain insights and advice.
  • Come back next week to learn about the next two steps in finding your dream job!

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