How to find your dream job (Part 2)

Finding your dream job

Not as hard as you think

So what?

ICYMI – In our previous post, we discussed what a dream job is and is not. In the next few post, we’re going to discuss, step by step, how to find your dream job. Make sure you follow along so you can find one and make the most out of your working life.

Why are we writing about this and why you should read it? Because finding your dream job doesn’t have to be hard.


A well-written resume is essential in the job search process. It provides a summary of your background, experiences, skill sets and achievements to recruiters and potential employers. Make sure you stand out from other candidates by preparing and tailoring your resume. Whilst there are thousands of guides on how to write an effective resume, here are some quick tips:

  • Get a good understanding of the required skills and qualifications of the potential dream job that you shortlisted from our last post.
  • Bring to light the skills and experiences that match the requirements of the shortlisted job.
  • Use action verbs and active voice rather than being passive.
  • Proofread your resume.


Networking is a powerful tool that provides you with access to job opportunities and valuable insights into the company or organisation that you wish to work for. It also enables you to make personal connections with recruiters and potential employees. Networking can be as simple or complex you want and need it to be. Key steps to remember are to identify the sector that you want to work in, reaching out to warm contacts, attending various events and preparing yourself before attending those events. Always follow up with your network after you meet and mingle with your networks.

What now?

  • Take the time to create or update your resume.
  • Make sure to tailor your resume by highlighting relevant skills and experiences.
  • Reach out to your existing networks and expand your connections by attending networking events.
  • Always, always follow up with your connections.
  • Read next week’s post to learn about the next two steps.

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