How to find your dream job (Part 3)

Finding your dream job

Not as hard as you think

So what?

ICYMI – In our previous post, we discussed what a dream job is and is not. In the next few post, we’re going to discuss, step by step, how to find your dream job. Make sure you follow along so you can find one and make the most out of your working life.

Why are we writing about this and why you should read it? Because finding your dream job doesn’t have to be hard.


You will need to apply for jobs unless your network that you built as discussed in our previous post presents you with a job opportunity. The critical criteria for this step is to apply for ones that match your skills, interests and passion (i.e. your dream job). Don’t lower your standards. Remember, you’re in a search for your dream job. You don’t want to end up in a similar role as your current one or even in a worse position than before.

Don’t forget to follow the instructions down to a T. Prepare all necessary documents such as your resume, cover letter and references.


Start preparing for interviews whether you’ve received a call back or not. Practice answering common questions and be ready to talk about your current and previous jobs, skill sets and other experiences. Once you’ve been invited for an interview, research the company or organisation as well as the job requirements. Be sure to cover off on all the requirements that you applied for and draft up responses to those.

What now?

  • Start applying for the jobs that you shortlisted as part of the second step in our previous post.
  • Prepare yourself for future interviews.
  • Read next week’s post to learn about the next and final step and my experience in applying for jobs.

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