How to find your dream job (Part 4)

Finding your dream job

Not as hard as you think

So what?

ICYMI – In our previous post, we discussed what a dream job is and is not. In the next few post, we’re going to discuss, step by step, how to find your dream job. Make sure you follow along so you can find one and make the most out of your working life.

Why are we writing about this and why you should read it? Because finding your dream job doesn’t have to be hard.


The last step to finding your dream job is to evaluate the job offers that you’ve gotten. There are a few aspects and factors that you have to consider before accepting a job offer. These include the job requirements, compensation package, company culture and reputation, work hours, responsibilities, location and opportunities for growth and advancement.

Consider whether any of the offers fit the bill by looking back at the first step (i.e. skills and passion). Shortlist the ones that would be a good fit for you. Once shortlisted, cross out the ones that are definite no’s. Listen and trust your intuition. Consider whether the companies align with your own values and work style. Research the company culture and reputation by looking up reviews and news articles to identify any red flags. Take your time and carefully evaluate job offers and consider all the factors that matter to you before picking your dream job.

My experience

To be honest, my dream job story pretty much skipped all the steps that the blog posts outlined. Growing up, I always wanted to be a pilot but my eye sight didn’t allow me to pursue such dream. While I felt lost and wasn’t sure of what I wanted to do once I accepted that I wouldn’t be a pilot one day, I was always good with numbers and finance. So I pursued a degree in accounting in uni. In my third year, I interned at one of the large accounting firm because that’s what you did as a third year. Fortunately, I received a job offer from the firm after my 12-week stint which I gladly accepted. And I’ve been working in the same field since then.

What now?

  • Do you have a dream job? If so, how did you end up in it?
  • If not, what’s stopping you from pursuing one?

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