How to get a project started (Part 1)

Been procrastinating on getting a project started?

Find out what you can do to get it started

So what?

Starting a personal project offers numerous benefits that can improve your life. Firstly, it gives you a sense of purpose and happiness as you do something you love. It allows you to be creative, coming up with new ideas and ways of doing things. Beginning a personal project also helps you become more disciplined and motivated, as you set goals and work hard to achieve them. Along the journey, you learn new skills and gain knowledge, which makes you more confident. Moreover, personal projects often help you connect with people who have similar interests, creating a supportive community and expanding your network. Overall, starting a personal project helps you grow as a person, both in your personal life and your career, opening up endless opportunities for fulfillment and success.

Let’s find out how you will stop procrastinating and finally start on that project you’re thinking about right now.

Just get started

Our first tip for personal projects is to start without waiting for perfect conditions. Even if everything isn’t perfectly organized or your to-do list isn’t completely cleared, taking that first step creates momentum. Every small action you take adds to the overall progress and motivates you further.

Additionally, beginning your project often reveals hidden pockets of time and resources. By committing to your passion, you’ll find that additional time and energy naturally become available. Prioritizing your project opens up avenues for creativity and problem-solving, making it easier to find the necessary resources. So, don’t wait for the perfect moment—just take that leap of faith and embrace the power of momentum as your personal project flourishes.


To find and use a proven system for starting a personal project, follow these simple steps. First, do some research and gather information about different systems that have helped others in similar projects. Look online, read books or articles, and explore resources on project management, goal setting, and personal development.

Next, evaluate and choose a system that seems suitable for your project. Consider things like how complex your project is, what you prefer, and the success of the system. You can read reviews, testimonials, or case studies to see if it has worked well for others. Once you’ve chosen a system, take the time to understand its main ideas and steps. Learn how you can apply the system to your own project. Adapt it to fit your needs and style. Break your project into smaller tasks or goals, set deadlines, and use any tools or templates recommended by the system. Keep track of your progress, make adjustments as needed, and seek support or feedback from others who have used the system or have experience in your project area.


To get your personal project started, begin by setting aside dedicated time on your calendar. First, define your goals and know what you want to achieve. Then, find available time in your schedule that you can allocate to work on your project. It could be daily, a few times a week, or longer periods on weekends. Mark these time slots on your calendar and set reminders to help you stay on track.

Next, create a productive environment by removing distractions and gathering the resources you need. Start with small, manageable tasks during your scheduled time to build momentum. Regularly evaluate your progress and make adjustments as needed. Remember, consistency and commitment are important for making progress on your personal project. By setting aside time and following through with your schedule, you’ll be on your way to getting your project off the ground.

What now?

  • Come back next week for two more tips to get your personal projects!

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