What simple life means (Part 2)

What it means to live a simple life

Minimalism & Contentment

So what?

This post is part of a 5-part series on what it means to live a simple life. In case you missed it, refer here for our introductory post on the series.


Living a simple life through minimalism is a great way to journey yourself towards shedding unnecessary things and embracing only what truly matters to you. Minimalism, at its core, is not just about owning fewer possessions. Minimalism is a shift in your mindset that emphasises intentional living and mindful consumption. You’re creating mental clarity and reducing distractions through decluttering your physical space.

You reclaim your time and energy by focusing on what matters to you. The lifestyle through minimalism makes you embrace the abundance that already surrounds you. You learn to differentiate between what our society dictates we should have with what resonates with your values and aspirations. Ultimately, you lead a more purposeful life by having less and doing more with what you already have.


Contentment refers to a state of deep satisfaction and being in peace with yourself and your life circumstances as they stand. Your measure of contentment is your ability to find happiness feel fulfilled with yourself rather than relying on externals such as possessions, circumstances and praises.

What it comes down to is being able to be present. You need to learn to embrace the present moment and be grateful for what you have. Similar to minimalism, contentment is about feeling sufficient with what you have. The difference being that contentment is a state of mind as opposed to a lifestyle choice which minimalism is.

What now?

  • Take the first step towards minimalism by grabbing a book or listening to an audiobook on the topic. Becoming Minimalist is a great resource to start your journey.
  • Start embracing contentment by practicing gratitude and finding joy in simple pleasures.

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