What simple life means (Part 3)

What it means to live a simple life

Alone time & Relationships

So what?

This post is part of a 5-part series on what it means to live a simple life. In case you missed it, refer here for our introductory post on the series.

Alone time

Having alone time is an important aspect of your general well-being. Such time in terms of living a simple life allows you to retreat into solitude which becomes a sanctuary for self-discovery, renewal and an escape from the hustle an bustle of modern living. It gives you an opportunity to disconnect, the space to reflect and reconnect with yourself.

One thing to note is that alone time is not about isolating yourself from those around you and your life but rather balancing between your social life and personal introspection. You should use this time to explore your passions, practice mindfulness, pursue hobbies, spent in nature and seek clarity.


Having good, solid relationships is another important part of living a simple life. Relationships that drag you down and even complicate your life will have the same impact outside of the relationships in question. Such relationships foster a sense of belonging and provide a safe space to be yourself. Those around you will inspire growth and self-improvement whilst amplifying your happiness and offer comfort and solace during times of sadness.

What now?

  • Discover the benefits of alone time in simplifying your life by embracing moments of solitude to reflect, reconnect and recharge with yourself.
  • Embrace the power of good, solid relationships in your pursuit of a simple life by investing in meaningful connections and building a supportive network.

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