5 ways to boost productivity (Part 2)


How to boost it to get more done

So what?

ICYMI – In today’s post, we delve into enhancing your productivity and the impact it can have on your life. Living in a world full of opportunities as well as demands, boosting your productivity has evolved from having an advantage to it being absolutely necessary. We discuss five ways that you can be more efficient and effective with what you do on a day to day basis to achieve your perso nal goals as well as maximise your time for success in your professional capacity. Whether you’re looking for strategies for time management, tools to innovate the way you do things, this series of posts will provide you with useful tips and tricks in being more productive.

Daily planning

A simple yet powerful tool that you can incorporate into your routine is a daily plan. A well-structured daily plan acts as your compass that steers you through the distracting world we live in with ever-evolving things to do. It’s not just scribbling tasks on your to-do list but strategically managing your time, allocating resources and achieving more with less effort. You are creating a roadmap that transforms tasks into action all steps in manageable segments.

Daily planning merges intention with execution. Start crafting an effective daily plan by listing the things you need to do and your objectives for the day. Prioritise your tasks based on their importance and deadlines. You can segment your time and effort by allocating time blocks that match your focus span and energy levels. Be realistic about what you can accomplish in a day. It’s good to be ambitious but not completing tasks can be unflattering and frustrating.

Better week

The Better Week method offers a structured approach to elevate your productivity game. This method reshapes your week by specifying themes to different days of the week and creates a rhythm that helps you focus, minimise context switching and nurtures deep work. It helps you use your time well and do important work without distractions.

The first step to the method is to list out the projects, goals and things you do on a regular basis. Then, assign each day a theme that aligns to your projects along with its relevant goals. For example, you can allocate Monday for strategic planning and brainstorming with Tuesday being collaboration and consultation. Lastly, allocate your tasks to the relevant days you have allocated. Don’t forget to create buffer days to manage unanticipated challenges or catch up on your backlogs.

What now?

  • Come back next week to round out our discussion with one more tip and my experience in how I go about increasing my productivity.

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