Quitting (Part 2)


And knowing when to do it

So what?

ICYMI There comes a time in every journey when the realisation dawns on us: perhaps it’s time to quit. We often get entangled in numerous projects and endeavours in which they promise a sense of accomplishment and fulfilment. We’re a society of goals and ambitions. This may sound counterintuitive but knowing when to let go of a project or endeavour is a powerful skill. It frees us from unnecessary burdens and makes room for new opportunities. Knowing when to quit can be a stepping stone towards growth and a strategic way to move forward. In this series of blog posts, we will discuss signs that you should look out for to know when to quit.

Lack of progress

When you recognise that there is a lack of progress in your goals and endeavours, it’s like hitting a roadblock on your journey to success. It’s very important and crucial to pause and reassess if your efforts seem to be running in place. Make sure to ask yourself if the strategies in place and what you’re doing are yielding the desired results or if adjustments are needed. Your progress on your goals or endeavours stagnating despite your dedication may mean that it is an opportune moment to consider quitting. Don’t forget that quitting isn’t a sign of defeat but rather a strategic pivot towards better goals and endeavours. Sometimes, it’s better to have the courage to quit rather than slaving your way through unproductive pursuits.

Market conditions

Understanding the pulse of the marketplace or the market conditions is same as having a compass in the business world. When the winds of change or trends are blowing against your goals and endeavours, you need to take notice. Regularly assess whether your strategies align with the dynamic market landscape. There are always external factors that hinder or help your progress. Quitting a particular approach or project might be the strategic move needed to get ahead.

What now?

  • Come back next week to find about intuition and energy management and how to use them to know when to quit.

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