Quitting (Part 4)


And knowing when to do it

So what?

ICYMI There comes a time in every journey when the realisation dawns on us: perhaps it’s time to quit. We often get entangled in numerous projects and endeavours in which they promise a sense of accomplishment and fulfilment. We’re a society of goals and ambitions. This may sound counterintuitive but knowing when to let go of a project or endeavour is a powerful skill. It frees us from unnecessary burdens and makes room for new opportunities. Knowing when to quit can be a stepping stone towards growth and a strategic way to move forward. In this series of blog posts, we will discuss signs that you should look out for to know when to quit.

Changes in circumstances

Recognising when circumstances change is much like being attuned to the winds of life that alters the course of your journey. Your goals and endeavours you set in one season may face different conditions in the next season. Whether it’s a new job, altered priorities or unforeseen challenges, it’s crucial to evaluate how these external factors that have shifted impact your pursuits. It might be time to consider letting go and quitting if your goals and endeavours are no longer in sync with the current chapter of your life. These external shifts may demand a reallocation of your energy and focus. You ensure that your efforts align with the present to set the stage for a more meaningful and adaptable success.

My experience

I once started a side hustle that I spent months preparing for. Actually, close to a year that I invested to get the project going. It was something that I was very passionate about and wanted to see it to fruition. My efforts and passion didn’t die down even after launching the website. I poured every spare ounce of energy and time into the side hustle. After more than a year of trying to get it off the ground, I was not seeing the progress that I was looking to achieve. The lack of progress and consideration of my energy management were definitely telltale signs that I should quit and refocus on something else. I’m glad that I did because I found something better!

What now?

  • Quickly skim through the last four posts and remind yourself of when to know to quit your goals and endeavours.
  • Are you facing any of them? Which ones resonated with you? Let us know.

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