How to innovate (Part 4)

How to innovate

Your products and services

So what?

ICYMI – Today, we are facing a very competitive and fast-changing market. Innovation is not a luxury but a necessity. Innovation is the process of creating new or improved products and services that meet the needs and expectations of your customers, as well as the challenges and opportunities of your industry. Innovation can help you gain a competitive edge, increase your revenue, reduce your costs, and enhance your customer satisfaction and loyalty. But how do you innovate effectively and efficiently? How do you foster a culture of innovation in your organization? How do you measure and evaluate the impact of your innovation efforts? These are some of the questions that this blog post will answer. Whether you are a business owner, a manager, a developer, a designer, or a marketer, this blog post will help you unleash your creative potential and transform your products and services for the better.

Alternative use

Another way to innovate your products and services is to explore their alternative use. This means considering how an idea or product can be used differently or in a different market than its original purpose. For example, Netflix started as a DVD rental service, but later pivoted to online streaming and content production. Coca-Cola was originally marketed as a medicinal tonic, but later became a popular soft drink. Bubble wrap was initially intended as a wallpaper, but later found its niche as a packaging material. By thinking outside the box and finding new applications for your products and services, you can create more value for your customers and stand out from your competitors.


This one can be a bit of a tricky one especially if you’re attached to your product or your service but hear me out. Eliminating can be a great way to innovate your product or service. This doesn’t mean that you’re getting rid of your product but removing or reducing certain elements to simplify or improve an idea or product. For example, Apple eliminated the keyboard and mouse from its devices and introduced the touch screen. Uber eliminated the need for cash and credit cards by enabling payments through the app. Spotify eliminated the physical CDs and downloads by offering music streaming. By eliminating the unnecessary or outdated features of your products and services, you can create more value for your customers and differentiate yourself from your competitors

What now?

  • Come back next week to learn about how to innovate your offerings by applying the principle of reversing.

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