Alpha & Omega

Alpha & Omega: The beginning of simplicity and the end to complexity

As our first blog post, I couldn’t think of anything more fitting to write about our start to a new journey of our attempt at bringing value to the world by writing insightful, reflective and informative articles.

Everything, I mean, everything, has a beginning and an end. Nothing in life escapes this. We are all born at a point in time which marks the beginning of our life journey. We embark on new challenges and begin new projects in the same way we end them. The reasons why we begin and end things are different for each individual. The point I want to make is that everything has a beginning and an end and that is inevitable.

On that note, it was inevitable that we start our blog. While it was our decision to start this blog, what made it inevitable is our inkling to do more in the world we live in. Having two kids, working in the corporate world, starting a new business, they have been all and truly meaningful for us. We wouldn’t have it any other way.

Somewhere, in the back of our minds, we pondered on what more we should, could, be doing to reach more people and help them in a way that lines up with our value and mission. We felt that we were putting the brakes on ourselves by limiting our reach to our family, social networks and our clients.

Why now? Why not a year ago? Why not a year from now on? That’s for another day (article) for us to share.

Today marks the day of a beginning and an end for us. The beginning of a new chapter and the end of our “someday” thinking. We are beginning a new journey to bring simplicity into a complex world by writing articles about Life Admin. We are expanding on what we have experienced and learned through our careers and businesses in hopes that we will provide you with insightful, reflective and informative articles that will make a difference to how you go about life. At the same time, we are ending our “someday” thinking. That is, our inkling to “someday” we will do more to reach more people. That “someday” is today for us.

Have you started or ended anything recently? How did it go and how is it going for you? What have you learned from it? What would you have done differently?

We are sure that we won’t be perfect and will make mistakes along the way in this new venture. We are taking on more responsibilities despite having a hectic life as is by putting ourselves out in the world and asking our readers to give us a chance. A chance to make even the slightest difference in simplifying your complex life. We hope that you join us on this journey and be part of our vision to bring simplicity in a complex world. After all, life is hard. Life is unfair. Life is full of surprises. Life is everything. Everything is life.

We want to challenge you if you are still reading.

We haven’t forgotten about the questions we asked in the previous paragraph. Is there anything you have started or ended recently? If not, we challenge you to take stock of your life and turn “someday” into “today”.

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