What is paradox of choice?
Do you regularly struggle through it? I certainly do
So what?
Have you ever found yourself overwhelmed by choices? Welcome to the paradox of choice. In a society where options are abound and decisions are abundant, it’s a modern conundrum that permeates your life in ways that you might not even realise. Say you are strolling down the aisle of a store, only to be paralysed by the amount of choices you have of cereal boxes or mindlessly scrolling through Netflix titles that paralyses you from asking a decision. The paradox of choice is an excess of choices that lead to stress, anxiety and, ultimately, dissatisfaction.
Blog series
In this blog series, we are going to discuss the five strategies that you should implement in your life. Join us for the next few blog posts to deal with the hidden impact of choice overload and discover what you can do to lead a more balanced and fulfilled life. The five strategies will be:
- Setting clear priorities;
- Limiting your options;
- Practicing mindfulness;
- Embracing imperfection; and
- Learning from your experience.
What now?
- Come back next week to start learning about the effective strategies that you can implement right away.