Intermittent fasting for women

Oh no! Not another post about fasting

Yes, this is a post about fasting but for women

So what?

Intermittent fasting (IF) has a ton of evidence-based health benefits which many articles focus on. This article is not going to discuss the health benefits as there are so many contracting information but focuses on simple ways to get started and practical benefits such as:

  • Being able to eat more;
  • Satisfying your cravings;
  • Less cooking time; and
  • Having alternate time to do something else.

What is intermittent fasting?

IF, an eating pattern, is when you cycle between eating and fasting. There is a period during your day or week that you eat and fast which is scheduled and predetermined.

What are the common methods for women?

  • Eat-stop-eat – 24-hour full fasting twice a week
  • Modified eat-stop-eat – 25% of your daily caloric intake using “eat-stop-eat” rather than full fasting
  • 5:2 – 25% reduction in daily caloric intake twice a week
  • Leangains method – Fasting for up to 16 hours a day and eating during an 8-hour window

Which one works best?

We can’t tell you which one works best as each method has its own advantages and disadvantages. The one that would work best is the one that you can turn into a lifestyle and stick to.

Simplicity is key

We are all about simplicity. This article is not an exception. Start with either of the two steps below.

  • Skip a meal
  • Skip a day

My experience

I have been intermittent fasting for 12 years using the Leangains method. I’m an emotional eater. I crave food when I’m stressed, happy, sad and excited. On top of that, I have a sweet tooth. I’m a stickler for dessert, especially anything with dark chocolate.

I’ve been able to keep my weight off with intermittent fasting and moderate amount of exercise during the week. Intermittent fasting has certainly allowed me to eat to satisfaction and control my cravings.

What now?

Pick 2. Try one. Try another. See what works.

Intermittent Fasting Transformation by Cynthia Thurlow is a great book that provides an individualised six-week program for women.

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