Invest in yourself

Are you investing in yourself?

If not, why not? Learn its benefits and how to get started

So what?

Are you investing in yourself? If so, you are benefiting from the following:

  • Opportunities always resulting in positive outcomes;
  • Guaranteed sustainability of you and your efforts;
  • Career progression, pay rises and more meaningful work; and
  • Be in a better position to sustain or grow your business.

Types of investments

There are four types of investments that you can make in yourself. All the options involve a varying degree of time and money.

  • Physical: Exercise / Eat better food / Drink less alcohol / Learn to cook
  • Mental: Meditate / Watch less TV / Watch positive TV shows / Converse with family and friends / Remove toxic friends
  • Knowledge: Read books / Find a mentor / Start a hobby / Take courses / Learn a new language
  • Finance: Save and/or invest your money / Start a side hustle or business / Get a new job / Work towards getting a promotion

What’s stopping us

You are faced with a number of barriers from investing in yourself. Investing is time consuming and high risk. It requires personalised guidance and materials if you don’t have the knowledge or skill set to take on the investments we noted above. Another factor that you could be faced with is lack of motivation and/or confidence.

What you need to do is to take the leap of faith and simply get started.

How to get started

Take a look at the simple step-by-step list that you can use to get started:

  • Take a look at what you do on a daily basis.
    • Are there things that are not adding value to your life?
  • Identify your strengths and leverage them.
    • Are you good at physical activities? Concentrating? Reading? Writing?
  • Pick an investment type that leverages your strengths.
  • Start by investing 30 minutes a day.

My experience

I used to listen to music. Not the type of music that had specific benefits such as classical music. My Music app was once filled with rap, hip-hop, R&B, pop and top 40s. One day, I was introduced to a podcast, The School of Greatness, by a colleague. I was hooked. I started listening to podcasts and e-books every chance I had. Whether it was whilst on the treadmill, lifting weights, driving or cleaning, I found time to expand my knowledge and improve myself.

What now?

  • Stop doing wasteful things or things that don’t add value to your life and well-being.
  • Start investing in yourself 30 minutes at a time.
  • The podcast host of The School of Greatness has a great book that he has published.

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