Space to think

Do you escape from your daily demands?

Why you need to make yourself unavailable

So what?

How are you feeling right now? At this moment. Are you stressed or anxious? Or are you relaxed and calm? It’s easy to let things slip and get caught up with your daily demands which ends up with you stressing and being anxious. One way of getting back on track is making yourself unavailable from those around you. Escaping from your daily demands:

  • Increases your focus on things that matter;
  • Allows you to concentrate on getting things done; and
  • Be more creative.

Escape spaces

There are three types of spaces to escape to: think, concentrate and read.

  • Thinking space: This is a place that encourages creativity, thinking and learning. A space to think consists of a small room, preferably windowless, free of distraction and sound proof.
  • Concentrating space: This space is the place where you dominate your todo list and get things done. Having a desk, distraction-free environment, computer and/or writing utensils are musts which will get your mojo going on getting sh*t done.
  • Reading space: You want to read? You want to be in your reading space. You can call it your relaxing space. This is where you have a comfortable seating to sit on with good natural light and lots of books around to get you in the mood to read and absorb knowledge.

My experience

We didn’t have these spaces when we were living in a two-bedroom apartment. When we moved to a small three-bedroom house, we made a conscious effort to create the three small spaces despite the living space being the same as our two-bedroom apartment. We set up a long table as our “study” which is our space where we concentrate and get work done. We placed a sofa next to an east facing window that we use to read (and often fall asleep). We sit outside on a collapsible, beach chair as our place to think whilst we watch our dog run around the yard.

What now?

  • Identify the spaces that you are lacking.
  • Take a look at your living situation and see where you can create any of these spaces.
  • Get creative, these spaces can be anywhere and everywhere.
  • Do you regularly practice meditation and looking to create an escape space? Check out Making Space by Thich Nhat Hanh for an easy-to-follow instruction.

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