Making a big change

Making big changes in your life

Why big change is good

So what?

Change can be scary. Change brings uncertainties. Without change, life can become dull, routine and monotonous. With change, you will

  • Bring back excitement and something new;
  • Learn to live with changing environment and circumstances;
  • Improve your quality of life; and
  • Elevate your mood and confidence.


I’m a firm believer that people don’t change. Yes – that’s a bold statement. If I may clarify, people’s principles, beliefs and values don’t change. Or shouldn’t change if they are truly what people say they are. Principles, beliefs and values are meant to stay consistent and the foundation of our core being. What can change and what you can change are your friends, relationships, dwellings, surroundings, environment and circumstances. You can use one or more of the following ways to make a change in your life:

  • Finding your why
  • Setting goals
  • Creating a dream board
  • Investing in yourself

Finding your why

We recently posted about questioning everything and asking yourself why. In summary, you need to set a solid foundation by defining who you are and what is important to you. Then, you are ready to find out what brings you joy and happiness. Lastly, you will be well on your way to make big changes in your life and live a happier life once you start challenging yourself to improve.

Setting goals

This one is for you if you are a goal or task-oriented person. You first need to work out what change you want to make in your life. As we previously suggested, set your goals by making them SMART (i.e. Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant and Time-bound). Make sure you break up your big change (i.e. goal) into smaller, manageable steps. You’ll feel good about yourself more often and be able to be on track.

Creating a dream board

Daydreaming isn’t just for kids. Adults can and should daydream. If you have lost your ability to visualise and fantasise about your dreams, you need to bring it back. Do so by creating a dream board where you can bring your dreams to life. A dream board will be a constant reminder of what changes you want to make and dreams you want to achieve which will refocus your efforts and push you further along.

Investing in yourself

Doing so always results in a positive outcome and guarantees sustainability. The amount of investment you make is limited only by you and your will power. Self-improvement results in better relationship with you and those around you, career progression, pay rises, more meaningful work and places you in a better position overall. Take a leap of faith, stop doing wasteful things and start investing in yourself 30 minutes a day.

My experience

I was never a type to believe in dream boards. I thought that it was just fluff and childish until I made one with my wife and kids. The exercise of fantasising and visualising my goals and putting them on the board allowed me to see what I wanted the most and what things were important to me. Looking at the dream board helps me focus and spurs motivation and inspiration on what I should and could do differently today, tomorrow and in the future.

What now?

  • Are you ready to make a big change in your life?
  • Use your core foundation (i.e. principles, beliefs and values) to bring and be the change you want to make in your life.

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