I don’t know

Do you know everything?

Of course not, and it’s okay!

So what?

It’s impossible to know everything. When your partner, child, colleague or boss asks you a question, it’s okay not to know or have an answer. If politicians take questions on notice, why can’t you? Below are the benefits of not knowing:

  • Develops trust with those around you;
  • Increases your curiosity to know and find out new things;
  • Have more time to consider your next course of action;
  • Improve flexibility in thinking and doing; and
  • Builds resilience through trial and error.


Not knowing everything is one of the best ways to build trust with yourself and those around you. The caveat to this is that you must follow through with finding out the answer to what you don’t know. No one in their right mind would not believe you when you tell them that you don’t know something. By default, you are building trust when you tell them you don’t know. You further develop this trust when you look for a solution go back to them with it. They will believe you when you say you do know.

Additionally, you create a deeper connection and relationship when you are vulnerable with yourself and those around you when admitting that you don’t know something. When you explore and follow through on finding the solution to their problem or solution, you demonstrate that you are worth their trust and they can trust and depend on you to follow through.


Acknowledging that you don’t know everything and questioning things naturally develops curiosity. Asking questions and getting others to help you find answers take you to different places and allow you to discover different perspectives and possibilities. Having such open mindedness is never a bad thing and will take you to amazing places that will never bore you.

Time to consider

Rather than jumping to an answer, stepping back and taking the time to answer will give you time to consider the best solution to the questions you are being asked. You will be able to weigh different options and solutions to come up with the best responses that will lead to the most suitable answer and ideal outcome. A time to think and ponder is never a bad time.


One of the ways to improve your flexibility in life is to learn to cope with uncertainty. Not knowing everything is an uncertainty that you need to accept and cope with. Life is full of uncertainties. Your present and future may be as bright as the morning sun on a clear day or as dark as just moments before the sunrise. However bright or dark your present and future are, you never know what will happen with certainty. The key to dealing with such circumstances is to be flexible with whatever outcome you are dealt.


No matter how much time you take to consider and how hard you try to find the best solutions, there will come times that you will fail. Failing through trial and error builds resilience. Not knowing is a gateway into opening yourself up to trial and error.

My experience

I love when our kids ask me questions and I don’t have the answers. It creates an opportunity to research, think or question things. My challenge is doing that together with our kids. Often times, I find myself researching, thinking or questioning by myself. When appropriate, I aim to do those things with my wife and/or our kids. Gives me an excuse to spend more time with them.

What now?

  • Are you Ms. or Mr. Know-it-all? What makes you think that you know everything?
  • Next time you are asked a question, take it on notice even if you know the answer. You will be surprised with what happens after.

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