Someday, right day

When is someday the right day?

Knowing when it’s the right time

So what?

As a human being with free will, you have the ability to choose what your experiences in life will be. You’ve set goals and visioned dreams like going to school, getting a degree or two, starting your first career, having kids, raising them and retiring as well as achieving some or all of them. Knowing the right time to execute on your decisions to achieve your goals and dreams is critical to transforming them into reality. Putting your best foot forward will:

  • Give you the best chance of achieving your goals;
  • Put you in the right mindset to learn from mistakes and in case you fail; and
  • Let you enjoy the win and reap its benefits.

We can resort to idioms like “whenever you start is the right time” or “it’s never too late” but we are going to focus on your mind, body and soul to determine when the someday is the right time.


As discussed in our earlier post, the mind is your thinking self. It’s the foundation of your decision making, imagination, intelligence and emotions. Take the time to obtain the information you need to make decisions, imagine the situation and thoughtfully process the information to determine whether it’s the right time for you. Once you have obtained and processed the information you’ve gathered, your body and soul will naturally follow and send you signals. Noticing and interpreting these signs are also part of your minds responsibility. As you read the following paragraphs, keep in mind that your will need to apply your mindfulness to help you further your exploration and consideration of determining the right time.


What is your body feeling? Are you feeling good or excited? Or do you feel agitated and anxious? Your body is more intelligent that you give it credit for. In a comfortable sitting position, take some deep breaths and do a body scan from the top of your head to your toes and from your toes to the top of your head. Make a mental note of any particular feelings such as pain, tightness and otherwise. Your body is connected to your mind and spirit and exhibit telltale signs of whether it’s the right time to execute.


Your soul dictates right from wrong and gives you the sense of morality and desires. You can consider your soul as the driver for when people say “follow your heart” or along those lines. Your soul will know whether something feels right or wrong as they are dictated by your morals, values and principles. When things aren’t as clear cut, it is important to look to your body and may need further clarification from your mind by obtaining more data and information to think things through.

My experience

I used to be very polarising. What I mean by that is I would act on my impulse for certain things but take ages to decide on other things. I had no balance between my mind, body and soul. Sometimes, I acted and made decisions without involving my mind or become so indecisive as I didn’t listen to my body and ignored my soul. As I began practicing mindfulness and being more present with day to day life, I try to balance all three by taking my time before acting, reacting and deciding.

What now?

  • Which aspect of yourself do you act on more than the other?
  • What are you doing to balance the three and finding the right time to “someday”?

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