Never a waste of your time (Part 4)

Things that are never a waste of time

Don’t waste your time

So what?

ICYMI – We recently posted about how to know when it’s the right day for someday so you don’t waste your time tackling your someday things on the wrong day. There are things in life that you don’t need to wait for the right day to come by. Doing things that are never a waste of time ensure you to spend your time wisely. Keep reading to find out the things that you can do without ever wasting your time and effort.

Being present

Some people see practicing mindfulness and being present are time spent selfishly. Without knowing the benefits of such activity, outsiders see it as doing nothing and spending alone time for themselves. In practice, it’s the opposite. Practicing mindfulness is about working with your breath and body, learning to identify and regulate your emotions and training yourself to better react to stress and difficulties of life. Being present is to focus your energy to your presence, appreciate your surroundings and circumstances, release stress and tension and pay attention to what’s in front of you. All in all, you have greater happiness and joy in your life which is a time well spent.

Time spent with your loved ones

We, as human beings, are amazing creatures. We are capable of achieving great things and have done so throughout humanity. But one thing that we can’t do is turn back time. And the greatest consequence of this is that somethings can’t be done later. We are born, we grow and we die. And as part of this, we have limited time available to spend time with our loved ones. If spending time with them is your priority, doing so is always time well spent. Work can wait. Meals can be had later. Money can be earned tomorrow. But your children (or your pet) will eventually leave your side. It’s certainly a difficult decision as we have responsibilities as adults but we do it anyway. Find a way to balance your life rather than falling into one end of the spectrum. Make it easier by remembering that spending time with your loved ones is never a waste of your time.

My experience

I used to travel quite a lot for work. So I got a new job that required minimal travel when our 6 year old son was born. Since then, we made every effort to have dinner as a family every night. Aside from rare occasions, the four of us sit down and enjoy at least one meal together every single day. Sometimes we talk about our day or the lessons we learnt. Other times, we vent about difficulties or even each other. And for me, it’s one of my favourite time of the day that I look forward to without fail.

What now?

  • Do you routinely practice mindfulness and regularly be present? How has it benefited you?
  • Are you regretting not spending enough time with your loved ones? It’s never too late to start spending even a few minutes out of your day to play with your children or pet whilst giving them 100% of your attention.

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