

And your microbiome

So what?

ICYMI – A couple of posts ago, we briefly talked about your microbiome. Your microbiome is a bustling community of microorganisms that are living inside your body. It’s made up of trillions of bacteria, viruses and fungi that call your gun home. These organisms play a vital role in your general health. Think of them as your body’s health squad, influencing everything from immunity to digestion and mental wellbeing.

In this post, we’re going to discuss the ways that kimchi can help you with your microbiome.


Kimchi is a staple in Korean cuisine which has a rich history within the cultural tapestry of Korea. Originating over a thousand years ago, its roots can be traced back to the Goryeo Dynasty. Kimchi was initially served as a practical means of preserving vegetables during the harsh winter months, like most fermented foods. Overtime, it evolved in both taste and preparation methods. Nowadays, there are an array of spices and vegetables being used.


Kimchi is not just a flavourful culinary delight. There are a myriad of health benefits as it is packed with probiotics which is resulted from the fermentation process. These probiotics support gut health and aids in digestion. The ingredients in kimchi which typically includes cabbage, radishes, garlic, ginger and chilli peppers provide antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties. Studies regularly suggest that regular consumption contributes to weight management and boosts immune system.

My experience

In our household, we don’t consume as much kimchi as we should. We typically buy kimchi when we go to the Korean grocery store once a month. Unfortunately, I don’t think the frequency of our consumption of kimchi individually contributes to our health.

What now?

  • Do you regularly eat kimchi?
  • Why don’t you make a trip to your local Asian grocery store and incorporate some kimchi alongside the other fermented foods that we’ve discussed earlier.

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