Cookies Policy

YourLifeEA uses cookies and similar tracking technologies for a number of purposes including to access your information when you sign in, keep track of your preferences, direct specific content to you, report on YourLifeEA’s user base, and to improve YourLifeEA’s services. We also use cookies or anonymous identifiers when you interact with our affiliate service providers (for example, when you integrate your YourLifeEA account with your Facebook profile) and as further described below.

We use the following types of cookies and similar technologies:

Strictly Necessary Cookies

We use cookies and similar technologies that are necessary to the operation of the Services. This includes technologies that allow you access to our website, Services or that are required to identify irregular site behaviour, prevent fraudulent activity and improve security, or that allow you to make use of our functions such as saved search or similar functions.

If you change the settings on your internet browser to block or restrict cookies (including cookies associated with the Services), or to indicate when a cookie is being set by YourLifeEA, the Services may not work as intended. You should remember that, while you may still be able to use the Services if your cookies are disabled, the Services may not function properly on your device and you may not be able to take advantage of certain YourLifeEA features.

Functionality Cookies

We use cookies and similar technologies that allow us to offer you enhanced functionality when accessing or using the Services. This may include identifying you when you sign into our website, keeping you signed in as you browse or keeping track of your specified preferences, interests, or past items viewed so that we may enhance the presentation of content on our website.

Performance Analytics Cookies

We use cookies and similar technologies to assess the performance of the Services. We use this information to analyse and help us understand how you and other visitors use the Services so we can improve the content or layout of the Services. We also use this information to track the number of our visitors and analyse the popularity of the features we offer.

Advertising Cookies

We may use first-party or third-party cookies and similar technologies to deliver content, including ads relevant to your interests. This includes using technologies to understand the usefulness to you of the advertisements and content that has been delivered to you, such as whether you have clicked on an advertisement.

You may reject first-party advertising cookies and similar technologies through your browser settings (as described below). To learn more about the use of cookies or other technologies to deliver more relevant advertising and to control or opt out of the collection and use of the data by these third party tools.

Browser and System Controls

You may set your browser or operating system to limit certain tracking or to decline cookies, but you may not be able to use certain features on the Services which require such cookies. Each browser and operating system is a little different, so please check your browser or operating system’s settings or help section to learn more about how to delete or disable cookies and tracking.

If you wish to prevent your data from being used by Google Analytics, Google has developed the Google Analytics opt-out browser add-on available here, and you can manage your Google accounts.

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Contact Us

PO Box 223
Curtin, ACT 2605

P +61 450 566 785
E [email protected]

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