Don’t complicate.

Become the Executive of Life

Your trusted one-stop solution to your Life Admin by simplifying tasks in a complex world.

Personalised, sustainable solution to your Life Admin.

icons for life admin types

Why you need YourLifeEA for your LifeAdmin

  • Is your Life Admin the bane of your existence?
  • Have you been putting off doing something for a number of years?
  • Do you ever feel like you are running out of time?
  • Are you struggling to have “me” time?
  • Do you have a project or two to complete but faced with information overload, don’t know where to start or don’t know how to go about doing it?

Yes to YourLifeEA! No to your Life Admin!

If your answer is ‘yes’ to any one of the questions above, you need us now.
You are provided with learning and development opportunities for your jobs and careers but you are not formally taught how to tackle Life Admin.
You are not taught how to manage your finances, be accountable for your goals, apply for new jobs, pick a good birthday present or tackle home improvements.
Your success is our obligation and promise since we rely on the success of our Executives.

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reaching for the star
completing life admin


  • First hand experience in different stages in life;
  • Knowledge of the Canberra life gained through living in Canberra for more than 10 years;
  • Long history of getting things done;
  • Proven track record of providing frank and reliable recommendations and advice;
  • Openness, honesty and confidentiality; and
  • Leveraging each other’s expertise, interests and experiences;

We give you exactly what you need.
You will be tackling your Life Admin in no time with us.
Start tackling your Life Admin with energy, insight and structure.

What is Life Admin?

Life Admin: Your unpaid, invisible, inevitable, intangible, inexhaustible duties of life.

“Refers to one’s personal day-to-day chores that are of an administrative nature. This includes tasks such as personal banking, making appointments, paying your bills, responding to personal emails.”

Urban Dictionary

YourLifeEA: Your one-stop solution to your Life Admin uncertainties.


Is what you are doing worth your time, money and effort and focused on environmental sustainability?

What you get

  • Advices, recommendations and suggestions

What we do

  • Sift through the abundance and overload of information to simplify and narrow down options to help you come to a decision resulting in sustainable, tangible outcomes
  • Connect you to the right people, businesses, products and services


Do you have the ability to get it done?

What you get

  • Instructions, how-to’s and guidance

What we do

  • Guide you while you navigate your way through your daily tasks
  • Show you how to harness your life’s opportunities and simplify complexities


Are you needing accountability to stay on track?

What you get

  • Accountability partner, goal tracking, reminders and workflow improvement

What we do

  • Keep you accountable with your goals, roles and responsibilities
  • Help you be streamlined and organised with your life and things that it entails

Space is limited. Start tackling your Life Admin today!

Spaces remaining:

  • Standard: 6 spots
  • Premium: 3 spots
  • Ultimate: 2 spots

In order to be your best YourLifeEA as we can be, we limit the number of Executives we take on. Subscribe now to secure your place.

Not interested? Get in touch with us to provide any suggestion or feedback you have. We would love to hear from you!

business woman running around
thinking questioning pondering

Not convinced?

Below are some areas of Life Admin that you may have forgotten you want or need to get done:

  • General: Bills, car servicing, financial planning, home repairs
  • Personal: Mind, health, body, sport, nutrition, wellbeing, finance
  • Social: Relationships, family, parenting, love, events, dating
  • Work: Career, job, side hustle, resume, business

Join us and save…

  • Time
  • Money
  • Mental capacity
  • Sanity

“You are not alone, we are here for you”

– YourLifeEA

Got Questions? Let's Chat.

Call us. Email us. Write to us. We are here for you. We will help you to see if we are the right fit for you and answer any question you have.

Connect With Us

Contact Us

PO Box 223
Curtin, ACT 2605

P +61 450 566 785
E [email protected]

Executive Portal | Help & Support