Who We Are

who we are lifeea yourlifeea

Dynamic duo.
Not as you know it.

We are a team of husband and wife, professionals turned business owners, seeking out for a new and exciting life adventure. We have two kids in primary school with no more on the way and our fur baby.

Like many of us, we were ticking along. Living day to day, grinding away at the routine, mundane tasks of daily work.

Then, bam!

We found ourselves as single parents. Our marriage had broken down. It came to a halt and we were separated. For the first time in 10 years.
So what happened? Our after-action review uncovered that we lost focus on ourselves. Our focus was solely on our family. We were living our lives for others. We thought we were being selfless by spending all our time and effort doing things for each other and our kids. We never had time for each other, let alone, ourselves. All our time was spent on family and work. What was left of it was spent on sleeping.

Our perception of each other and our kids was that they were happy. At least, they should be happy. Which, in turn, led us to think that we were (should be) happy.

Often times, our perception of others is far from the truth. That’s where our problems lied. We had lost focus on ourselves.

We thought that focusing on each other and our kids was the selfless act. What we should do as a partner and parent.

What we learned from our breakup was that focusing on others was actually a selfish act. We tried to make everyone else happy and lost sight of our own emotions, wellbeing and who we were, individually.

Turning our attention to ourselves allowed us to become a better, stronger and happier version of ourselves.

This put us in a position to support each other and guide our kids to become better, stronger and happier versions of themselves. What really is the selfless act.

After seeing others go through the same, we decided to apply and turn what we’ve learned and experienced into a business helping people find their own time to better themselves to become the best. And it all starts with taking the first step.

That is, let us become YourLifeEA so you can put your focus back on you and yourself back in the driver seat today!

Got Questions? Let's Chat.

Call us. Email us. Write to us. We are here for you. We will help you to see if we are the right fit for you and answer any question you have.

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Contact Us

PO Box 223
Curtin, ACT 2605

P +61 450 566 785
E [email protected]

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