Our Values

mission vision values

Why We

To bring simplicity in a complex world.


To empower people to become their best and lead a gratifying and fulfilling lives.


One-stop source for your life.



Why Us

  • We are for people who want to simplify their Life Admin.
  • We focus on people who want more in life.
  • We promise that engaging with us will help you have more “me” time and get your life back.
  • We are constantly learning through our experiences and mistakes. We won’t claim ourselves as Mr. and Mrs. Know-it-all but we will work hard to meet your expectations, needs and wants.


We are different. One of us likes salads and our better half likes loaded burgers. One chugs litres of water whilst the other drinks beer or sips wine. One loves to sleep in whilst the other wakes up at 3AM. One seeks out spontaneity and change whilst the other follows strict routines. One cries and expresses emotions whilst the other is reserved and restrained. One walks whilst one drives everywhere.

You get the point.

In the same way that we are at the opposite ends of the spectrum when it comes to how we are, we are proud to say that we have our own strengths, weaknesses and traits. We apply the different skill sets we have to tasks that best match those skills. We operate at our full potential everyday (e.g. dinner is prepared, cooked, eaten and cleaned in an hour with two children and a 40kg fur baby).


We have done it all. You name it. We have done it.

Whatever stage in life you are in, we have been through it (or at least have had someone close go through it if we have not).
We are parents to two beautiful kids who are in primary school and a fur baby who tests our patience and pushes boundaries every waking moment.

We devote our time to many facets of life and are passionate about whatever we do. Whether it’s loving, exercising, cooking, working, budgeting, parenting, studying or buying, we always make sure we devote our time to do it properly and learn through the process of getting it done and after action review.

Some of our notable experiences which we have learnt from include:

  • Attempting a DIY curtain installation only to end up with curtains that were 10cm short and almost causing $20,000 of water damage to “save money”;
  • Buying a kitchen appliance for the Wife’s birthday (need we say more?) thinking it was a “good idea”’;
  • Hiking up Mount Ainslie and finding it extremely dangerous, unpopulated and steep. Only to realise years later that we went via a fire trail because “Google said so”;
  • Sourcing baby formulas on clearance and working out whether we could finish them before the expiry date to “save money”;
  • Putting our kids “on us” (parents, you know what we are talking about) for hours on end so they can sleep to “save time”;
  • Buying kitchen gadgets only to spend more time trying to use them to be “more efficient”; and
  • Going to an Indian restaurant to use a almost expired Groupon voucher not knowing, at the time, our daughter (first child) was allergic to nuts and spending more money buying 3 different brands of antihistamine to “save money”.

We have been working as professionals in the public and private sectors for over a decade. Our roles and responsibilities include advising and project managing complex, process development and implementation, starting new service lines and offerings, recruitment, practice management, resourcing and financial analysis.

More of our unforgettable, life moments include:

  • Getting peed on (yes, you read that right) by the puppies roaming freely in a CEO’s office;
  • Spending 30th birthday (and night) reading through a 400 page technical document at the client site;
  • Getting lost at the Parliament House and coincidentally running into Senator Pauline Hanson (who was surprisingly very nice and friendly);
  • Having to rewrite a 25 page report because a one crucial word was missing in the scope of work; and
  • Getting yelled at by a 75 year old client for an hour on the phone.

Albeit, we are not perfect. We fail, we make mistakes, we lose and we struggle. Failure is an option. Because success and experiences that it follows are built on failures. We strive to learn from our experiences. We always fall forward.


We love learning new things and finding ways to be happier, smarter, faster, better and easier.

As we are naturally risk adverse, we aim to gain and absorb as much knowledge and information before committing ourselves.

We value and believe in the importance of lifelong learning and development. Continually acquiring knowledge and information allows us to be best prepared to tackle new and ever-changing challenges in life.

Albeit, we don’t know everything. When there is something that we don’t know, we take a systemic and logical approach to learn and develop ourselves to be informed.

Got Questions? Let's Chat.

Call us. Email us. Write to us. We are here for you. We will help you to see if we are the right fit for you and answer any question you have.

Connect With Us

Contact Us

PO Box 223
Curtin, ACT 2605

P +61 450 566 785
E [email protected]

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