Examples of passion projects

Passion projects

Examples to get you started

So what?

ICYMI – Whether it be a hobby or something that you dabble with time to time, there are things in life that we enjoy doing, have interests in or are passionate about. At the same time, we take on jobs and careers doing things that we don’t enjoy. Various studies and researches have proven that majority of workers don’t enjoy the work they do. Some have even resulted in approximating more than 80% of us do not enjoy our jobs or careers.

Our previous post provided you with a rundown of how to make money with what you’re passionate about can help you break up the mundane, daily grind.

This post provides examples of passion projects that you can start and monetise from. The examples are general and broad in nature on purpose. Our aim is to provide you with ideas that you can easily incorporate your passion into whilst leveraging your strengths.

Sell your products online

  • Do you like shopping or are crafty?
  • Whatever that is going on in our economy, everyone needs to buy stuff. Online shopping is an ever growing habit for many shoppers. Whether it be finding good deals on products or making specialised items, you can use services like Etsy or Facebook Marketplace to sell them.

Develop online courses

  • Do you have certain knowledge or experience that requires a certain level of skill and/or education?
  • The market of eLearning is a multi-billion dollar industry that is continuing to grow. The main attractiveness from my perspective is the flexibility of where and when you can learn all kinds of skills. If you are passionate and/or knowledgeable about anything that is teachable, you can create an online course and offer them up through services like Udemy and Skillshare.

Sell fine arts or merchandise

  • Are you a creative type? Do you paint, draw, take photos or sculpt? Are you being praised for your creative work by those in your social circle?
  • There are two types of people when it comes to what our brains are capable of. The left siders and right siders. The left side of your brain is responsible for the logical functions such as writing and reading whereas the right side of your brain deals with visuals and creativity. Whilst we process information using both sides of our brains, many of us are biased toward one side of the brain. If you are a right sider and passionately creating works of art, start monetising them by selling them (especially to the right siders).

Provide coaching or consulting

  • Are you passionate in something that you can teach or consult on?
  • This passion project is perfect for you as long as your skillset is transferable. One important point to make here is that your skill set needs to be at a level that are above an average person who dabble with what your passion is. As you will be relied upon to transfer your knowledge and expertise, your audience will depend on you and trust that you can talk the talk and walk the walk.

My experience

Ever since my uncle gave me his old 35mm Pentax K1000, I have been fascinated by photography. The ability to capture time, the moment and the light that surrounded it is what made my 9 year old self fall in love with photography. I continued my passion for photography through uni but stopped when I got married and had our first child. I recently picked it up again and am looking for ways to monetise in order to fund my hobby. To be honest with you, I’m not quite sure how I will go about doing that so stay tuned!

What now?

  • What are you passionate about?
  • Are you looking to make some money whilst doing what you enjoy?
  • Pick one of the four examples above and run with it!

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