Never a waste of your time (Part 3)

Things that are never a waste of time

Don’t waste your time

So what?

ICYMI – We recently posted about how to know when it’s the right day for someday so you don’t waste your time tackling your someday things on the wrong day. There are things in life that you don’t need to wait for the right day to come by. Doing things that are never a waste of time ensure you to spend your time wisely. Keep reading to find out the things that you can do without ever wasting your time and effort.

Helping others

There’s a well known saying that goes like this: It is better to give than receive. I think it comes from the Bible. Without getting into a religious debate or a debate on whether it’s better to give than to receive, what is scientifically supported is that it’s good to give. Giving in the form of helping others through compassionate and kindness is known to be beneficial for your mental wellbeing and, of course, those that you are helping. Being kind always feels good which improves your self-esteem and reduces loneliness. Helping those that are in need in your community puts things into perspective and gives you a positive outlook with regards to your own situation.

Getting down and dirty

Being out in nature, whether it be in your own backyard or sightseeing Uluru, it is one of the best ways to be present and bring yourself back down to earth. We all get very busy and often lose touch with ourselves and the wonderful things around us. Getting down and dirty with nature is a great way to get grounded and restore energy and motivation as well as loosening tension and stress. If going somewhere like Brindabella or Tidbinbilla is not an option for you, try walking barefoot on grass or spending time in a yard to reap the benefits of being out in nature.

My experience

I walk our German Shepherd twice a day. I try to take routes that are less travelled and more remote. Whether it be through a dirt path or a quite back street, my walks with our dog, rain or shine, forces me to be out in nature. It starts my day on the right note and gives me time to just “be”.

What now?

  • Are you regularly volunteering or helping others in need? I have to admit, we don’t do it as often as we would like to.
  • Do you go on nature walks or hikes like we used to do in primary school?
  • If so, how does either of the above make you feel? Start simple like donating to a local charity and walking barefoot on grass and see what it does for you.

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